Automated Vital Statistics System

Technical Advisory Group

2003 Annual Meeting

Sacramento, California

December 3, 2003



1.      Introduction By Attendees and Opening Statements.

Meeting participants reviewed the summary of the December 17, 2002 TAG meeting.  Note: TAG summaries are available on the Web at:


Ron Williams of the AVSS Project asked meeting participants (about 50 individuals) to update contact information on the member roster, which was distributed in the meeting packet.


1.      Version 4.13 Update.

Version 4.13 Release Notes were distributed at the meeting and are available at  4.13 is the name for the 2003 version, but it will be released in 2004.  It will be alpha-tested in December 2003.  Beta-testing will follow.  Release is anticipated for late January 2004.  Changes in the 4.13 version are minor and are discussed in the Release Notes.  Meeting participants reviewed the changes.


2.      AVSS Modification Requests (AMRs):  Review and Discussion.


03-001: Ron Williams presented his solution to the problem:  When a temporary password is assigned by a System Manager, the user, when logging on again, must change the temporary password to a permanent one.  AVSS will automatically go to YOUR PASSWORD option.  Many users are confused as to how to proceed at this point.  Ron’s solution:  Instead of going to the YOUR PASSWORD suboption, AVSS should automatically go one level down to the CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD suboption.   AVSS was programmed to accept this change.


03-029:  Ying-Ling Wang of Alameda County stated that currently, there is no way to get Fetal Death data out of AVSS.  Here are the data fields needed for our reports.  Ying-Ling presented a request to include Multiple Races, Hispanic codes, multiple Complications of Pregnancy, multiple Complications of Labor/Delivery, multiple Abnormal conditions/Clinical Procedures or multiple Methods of Delivery if they apply.  Reincorporate the test certificate into the LFN ASSIGNMENT under the DEATH CERTIFICATE option.  Ron discussed the proposed record layout for fetal death certificates and asked Alameda County to review the layout and indicate if the layout will meet their needs.


As part of this discussion, a question was raised on whether counties are required to enter fetal death records into AVSS.  The response was that these entries are not required.


Additionally, meeting participants discussed proper reporting of fetal deaths and possible AVSS modifications to preclude inappropriate reports.  Some counties are inappropriately entering fetal death records when the correct reporting would be a birth certificate followed by a regular death certificate.  Santa Clara County described their practice.  Meeting participants agreed to study this issue further.


03-050:  Ron Williams presented his solution to the problem:  The MISSING FILE NUMBER EDITOR can be used to designate the reason for missing LCAs or CDCs.  This suboption is useful for identifying the reason for a missing record.  However, some of the LRDs have traditionally “fitted in” missing file numbers with new records using the LFN ASSIGNMENT suboption.  This creates ambiguity and confusion.  Ron’s solution:  Do not allow the LFN ASSIGNMENT suboption to be applied to any LFNs that have had the MISSING FILE NUMBER EDITOR suboption previously applied to them.  AVSS was programmed to accept this change.


3.      Confidential Morbidity Report.

Stan Bissell of the Surveillance and Statistics Section (SSS) reported on the Confidential Morbidity.  The “Disease Investigations and Surveillance Branch” has been renamed back to the “Infectious Diseases Branch.”


The Division received additional funds for surveillance as part of the PHIN and Bioterrorism grants.


CDC funded projects are moving forward:  Electronic Laboratory-based reporting (ELR)/ California Electronic Laboratory Disease Alert and Reporting (CELDAR) system: Pilot system about to begin; “Web-CMR” project moved to PHFE and is moving forward, vendor selection process should be completed soon.  It is likely some PHIN-compliant system will begin to be deployed in 2004.


CMR form revisions:  likely nothing will happen until PHIN/”Web-CMR” project is farther along.  IDB is working on a regulation change which will allow for flexibility adding or deleting diseases from the reportable list (current regulations make adding new diseases (e.g. SARS) or BT agents (e.g. Smallpox) cumbersome and untimely.


Case report forms are available in PDF format and are posted on the web site .  Click on PUBLICATIONS, then scroll to FORMS section and click on the link:  Username:  cdforms, Password:  broadstreet.



4.      Electronic Death Registration.

Mike Rodrian of the Office of Vital Records reported on the status of electronic death registration.  Santa Barbara and Merced counties have connected to the Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS).  Santa Barbara is using EDRS; Merced has put implementation on hold pending further work with the county coroner’s office.  Santa Barbara indicates that 33 percent of deaths in the county are being reported via EDRS and that two funeral directors in the county are using the system.


Humboldt County is working on implementing EDRS and expects to begin usage in January 2004.


Mike also reported that 2003 legislation requires DHS to develop an EDRS that is operational in at least one county by January 2005.  DHS has decided to contract with UC Davis for development of the prototype EDRS.  DHS staff are working with UC Davis on this project.  Pam Isaac (Humboldt county) is a member of the project steering committee.  Mike indicated that DHS is looking for other counties to participate in EDRS.  Meeting participants asked what is needed for EDRS participation.  Mike indicated that familiarity with the Internet or AVSS/NET would be helpful because EDRS is web-based.  Natlee indicated that good working relationships with local funeral directors would also be very helpful.  UC Davis is developing a web site to keep counties apprised of the status of the project.


5.      New Birth Certificate in 2005.

Mike reported that Karen Flanigan of CHS/OHIR has been holding meetings with interested parties on development of modifications to the birth certificate.  Legislation will be needed to implement any modifications.  Special topics of interest are labeling for the parents (changing “mother/father” to “parent”) and questions on mother’s smoking during pregnancy.  Two legislators have expressed interest in the subject.  Mike estimated that the likelihood of changes is greater for 2006, rather than 2005.


6.      AVSS/NET.

Ron Williams distributed information on AVSS/NET and discussed system benefits, costs, components, security, connections, and firewalls (for added security).  This information is also available on the AVSS website.


7.      AVSS Technical Assistance.

Ron Williams discussed funding for AVSS technical assistance activities.  He distributed and discussed a letter describing fee arrangements for FY 04-05, a sample invoice with explanation, a model Renewal Agreement, and a table showing annual AVSS technical assistance costs, by LRD, from FY 97-98 to current and projected through FY 04-05.


8.      Geocoding

Ron indicated that AVSS has a contract with DM Information Systems for geocoding services.


9.      Next Meeting

The next TAG meeting will be scheduled for December 2004, to be held in Sacramento East End Complex. 


11.  Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.


Acknowledgement: This summary was written by Jessica McCarroll.

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