2001 AVSS Modification Requests
AMR No. |
Site And |
Problem, Suggestion, Evaluation, TAG Recommendation, Programmer, and Priority/Final Outcome. |
96-130 |
C37-San Diego |
Problem/Suggestion: Due to problems determining when a record is sealed, we are requesting an addition to amendment indicator code. Could you please add a code of "2" to the amendment indicator, this will signify that the record has been sealed. This will help us to update our Master file on the IBM mainframe.Received: 10/14/96 Evaluation: CBC specs call for 1=Amendment and 5=No Amendment. Presumably 2-4 is used by OSR to indicate the number of amendment in state system. Suggest that "6" be used to indicate a sealed certificate. TAG Recommendation: M. De Lano to work with OVR; needs additional TAG discussion. AVSS Programmer: PMC (10/14/96) Priority/Final Outcome: Inadvertently added to Version 4.6. |
97-178 |
AVSS Project |
Problem/Suggestion: Eliminate the scrolling/screen display problems in AVSS-CT.Received: 11/3/97 Evaluation: Coordinate with D-M Info. TAG Recommendation: 11/24/97: O.K. AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: |
97-179 |
AVSS Project |
Problem/Suggestion: Improve the AVSS-CT user interface by incorporating such standard AVSS commands as ?, ^, ^L, ^Q, etc.Received: 11/3/97 Evaluation: Coordinate with D-M Info. TAG Recommendation: 11/24/97: O.K. AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: |
97-180 |
AVSS Project |
Problem/Suggestion: Improve the match rate by refining the AVSS-CT matching algorithm(s).Received: 11/3/97 Evaluation: Coordinate with D-M Info. TAG Recommendation: 11/24/97: O.K. AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: |
99-061 |
AVSS Project |
Problem/Suggestion: (EDRS) The coroner registration option has been deleted, but there are side effects in the branching process as a consequence. Examine all conditional branching within the DDC form and correct as needed.Received: 6/2/99 Evaluation: OK TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Pending |
99-145 |
AVSS Project |
Problem/Suggestion: The Delivery Record (DR Form) needs multiple race modifications ala version 4.9 birth certificates. (From Contra Costa Medical Center H041).Received: 12/8/99 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn |
00-013 |
AVSS Project |
Problem/Suggestion: The MDS and PDS flags for personal/medical data in the Draft Death Certificate (DDC) are missing for fields 43 and CT, causing printing errors during double pass. Fix the problem by setting MDS for 43 and PDS for CT.Received: 2/10/2000 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
00-015 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: While AVSS/CMR has performed well throughout the state andprovide a standardized method of collecting, communicating, and reporting CMR data at the state and local levels, there presently exist non-AVSS systems that also collect CMR data. There is evidence that there may be more of these "foreign" systems in the future, thus leaving California without a single, integrated system for communicable disease reporting. Solution: Develop a capability for AVSS to import CMR data from other systems using the variable format approach that is used to import birth record data from Southern California Kaiser hospitals. This ASCII format is: VAR1_NAME VAR1_VALUE CRLF VAR2_NAME VAR2_VALUE CRLF VAR3_NAME VAR3_VALUE CRLF ETC. *** (Where CRLF=Carriage Return, Line Feed and *** is an end-of-record marker.) The advantage of this format is that not all variables have to be reported, only those that AVSS requires. Thus, different systems could report fewer variables than exist in AVSS, provided that the minimum data requirements were met. Also, there is no need to design a complex record file layout that might change in the future. AVSS/CMR variable names and definitions are listed below; an asterisk marks those variables that would be required by AVSS from a foreign system. If any of these variables are missing or do not pass AVSS edits, they would be marked as ^SKIPPED and result in an incomplete record. These variables would be imported into an FMR form and filed by FMRID at the County of Occurrence (XIND) level. Later, an AVSS suboption under CMR FOREIGN INPUT would allow the user to move all accumulated FMRs into the CMR form, i.e., there would be no human interaction required to transform an FMR into a CMR as there is for linking a HCA to an LCA. Incomplete FMR records would not be transformed. Also, there would be little if any control over the quality of imported data; for example, once the FMRs were converted into CMRs, a duplicate FMR could be imported. The CMR records would be cross-indexed by FMRID (see attached). Received: 3/9/2000 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: OK to develop a foreign import capability for CMR as described in this AMR. AVSS Programmer: PMC/JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
00-022 |
AVSS Project |
Problem/Suggestion: While the second-pass enhancement to AVSS/EDR has addressed the problem of the difficulty in obtaining the certifier signature, the participating funeral homes have reported problems in obtaining the middle name of the decedent (Field 2) in time for the first pass. Since it is not always available or may be inaccurately reported before the personal data can be obtained, it would be better to have it printed on the second pass. |
00-037 |
AVSS Project |
Problem/Suggestion: CMRs that have the disease edited to '~DELETE' should be reallocated back to the county of origin and if not a resident of that county it should also be reallocated to the county of residence.Received: 05/16/2000 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn |
00-038 |
AVSS Project |
Problem/Suggestion: As AVSS moves to the internet the single level password security will be insufficient, and there is already a problem if a user should choose a pre-existing password.Solution: Add a USERNAME > prompt before the PASSWORD > prompt and incorporate USERNAME into AVSS Security. Received: 05/19/2000 Evaluation: Supplanted by SSH encryption usernames and passwords. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM/PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn |
00-040 |
C27, Monterey County, |
Problem/Suggestion: Would it be possible to do the "Date of Registration" independently from the LFN number? That would improve our timing on date received from the hospital. Since we do them in batch form every 3 to 4 days, it puts quite a few of our certs over the 10 day time frame. If you go to the Signature stamp, it would work even better to have the signature stamp and date of registration pass on the day they are received. Then do a batch with the LFN numbers.Received: 05/19/2000 Evaluation: Not approved by TAG on 12/5/2000. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn |
00-044 |
C01, Alameda County, |
Problem/Suggestion : Accuracy of Address Data on Birth/Death Files.I believe that the accuracy of address data would be greatly improved if those entering the data would not be allowed to type in the zip code and allow the city to pop up automatically. It has been my experience that city data is much more accurate than zip code data; patients simply do not seem to know their zip codes. And those entering the data are systematically not careful about double-checking the city. Thus we spend a lot of time trying to match the street address with the correct city when census tracting, and oftentimes can't figure out the correct city. Also many certificates are allocated to us that don't belong because they have the wrong city stamped on them. We then have to contact the state to verify the residence in the case of deaths. With births, addresses cannot be verified Received: 8/28/2000 Evaluation: Not approved by TAG on 12/5/2000 TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn |
00-045 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: When LFNs are edited for the LCA form, the LFN for corresponding SCA form should also be edited; however, AVSS does not presently allow the user to do so.Solution: Allow LFN edits for the SCA form. Received: 06/16/2000 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
00-061 |
AVSS Project, |
Problem: CBC Field 15A is frequently incomplete so that the CBC Death Indicator (Record Position 813, Page 56 of CBC Specs) is under-reported.Solution: Use the AVSS Field 15AD, which contains the date of death from a matched death certificate (when there is no value for 15A) to compute the Death Indicator for the CBC record. Received: 9/1/2000 Evaluation: Implemented under the LCA’s GENERATE LINKED COHORT FILE (1400) suboption. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
00-071 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: When an LFN edit is performed at OVR the existing ^FSDSB entry will prevent the second LCA with the same LFN from being written to DSB, so that the corrected record will be in AVSS, but not in BID. |
00-073 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: As the number of AVSS users has grown there is an increasing chance of a security infractions since there are presently no controls on its passwords, other than expiring after a specified time. For example, without User Name level of security, there is a likelihood that a simple password will be discovered when a second user enters a password that has already been used. |
00-075 |
Problem/Suggestion: NCHS recommends coding the following 19 race terms to Other (Specified) instead of to Other (Unspecified/Unknown): Alocona, Bahamian, Begri, Bohemian, Bohora, Bohra, Br Honduran, Chamosso, Colestran, Cosmopolitan, Guyan, Guyanan, Guyanese, Mal, Malada, Mosotho, Phoenician, Siamsh Am, Ulithian. Colombian and Moroccan are misspelled on the race list. Received: 11/30/2000 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done in V4.10 |
01-001 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: . Add new Birthing Facilities:C01, Code 0781: The Birth Home, 1393 Santa Rita Road, Pleasanton, CA 94566, HFPA 4190 Contact: Beah Haber, CNM, 925-447-1010 Note: This facility will be moving to: 1441 Railroad Avenue, Pleasanton, CA 94566 C34, Code 0782: The Birth Center, 6622 Mercy Court, Fair Oaks, CA 95628, HFPA 3092 Contact: Ruth Cummings, 916-961-1860 Received: 1/11/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-002 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: AVSS does not prompt for Field 43 (Embalmer License Number) of the Draft Death Certificate (DDC) when the value for Field 42 (Signature of Embalmer) is NOT EMBALMED, while the Handbook specifies a dash under these conditions. This condition was recently detected at OVR, but has been in place since the beginning of AVSS/EDR in April 1998.Received: 1/11/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-003 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: . There have been occasional problems with the LFN generation program. To verify whether problems are due to user error or not, keep an audit trail of the generation dialogue.Received: 1/1/2001 Evaluation: Document problems by e-mail TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: |
01-004 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Add the capability to record start and stop times for the AVSS Integrity Checker.Received: 1/11/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-005 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Claudia from Fresno reported seeing unusual LFN values for certain CDC records. Upon further examination, these records originally had date of death entered incorrectly (i.e. used the birth year) and then edited at a later time. However, the LFN recomputation only occurs for 1996+ records only. Thus these records kept their 'funny' LFN values after the date edit.Solution: Include sub field check code for CDC:7 to recompute YEAR values for LFNs using the old 11 character 3YYCCnnnnnn format. Received: 1/11/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-006 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Modify the city and zip code lists for county 45 (Shasta): change 'SHASTA LAKE CITY' in zip code 96019 to 'SHASTA LAKE'. I've already done this change at C45.Received: 1/23/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-007 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Both LCA Fields 29 and 30 (Complications of Pregnancy and Labor/Delivery, respectively) are used to compute the value for NCHS record position 93 (Eclampsia), but NCHS wants the value to reflect only complications of pregnancy.Solution: Use only LCA Field 29 to compute NCHS position 93, that is, change the 2nd comma piece from '45' to '0' in line 68+1^FSNCHS2. Received: 1/25/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done at OVR 2/14/01 |
01-008 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: A consistent PostScript printing error for a specific California Disposition Permit (CDP) was traced to a value of "\" in Field 9A (Amount of Fee Paid). Field 9A is prompted at the LRD during the Disposition Permit approval process and there are no edit checks. Apparently the user inadvertently entered a "\" instead of a 7 (for $7.00).Solution: Apply input checking to CDP Field 9A to disallow non-numerics. Also, add display coordinates for Fields 9A-C. Received: 1/26/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-009 |
C36, San Bernardino County |
Problem: Hospital Name Change: 455/361166 - Global Medical Center has changed its name to Doctors Hospital Medical Center. It's in Montclair. HFPA 12070Received: 1/29/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-010 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: There are 2 %H reports that did not get converted to #H reports that look like they would be useful for hospitals. They are: %HMDUS1L and %HMDUS1X. %HMDUS1L is a report that is similar to the New Born Listing report but includes a column for the number of days a doctor’s signature is delayed. %HMDUS1X is a XTABS report with the doctor’s name and the number of days their signature is delayed.Received: 2/2/01 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-011 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: When doing a QUERY the field name RPTRTYPE is supposed to be used, but does not show up during registration. What is shown during registration of the CMR is REPORTER TYPE which if it is used in trying to run a query gets warning ***WARNING: NO FIELD REPORTER TYPE FOUND. It would be easier if in the display of the REPORTER TYPE after completing the field REPORTER it read RPTRTYPE. REPORTER TYPE, so that people see it displayed.What is shown now: REPORTER. > UCSB REPORTER TYPE: PUB Possibly: REPORTER > UCSB RPTRTYPE. REPORTER TYPE: PUB Received: 2/2/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-012 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Sometimes a hospital person, at a hospital that dials into a County AVSS computer, does not disconnect or exit AVSS before leaving their desk. This causes problems when another hospital dials into that line and starts registering a birth. Their births come out registered in the first hospital not theirs. This might be a training issue, but always causes problems. I have timed the process from within the Register a Birth Record Option in the Hospital Birth Record Option to when it says Good bye from AVSS then EXIT. It takes over 30 minutesSolution: There should be a shorter time out period to EXIT and/or fewer steps in the time out process. Received: 2/2/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-013 |
C39 San Joaquin County, |
01-014 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Duplicate Bar Code Index (BCI) values are occurring in clusters for some Riverside County hospitals, totalling about 20-30 in 2000. This was traced to birth clerks skipping 3B for twins, printing the certificate, then completing 3B, and possibly printing again. It was found thatAVSS does not recompute the bar code following edits or completions of 3B. Solution: Do not compute or print BCI when any of the its six components (A, 1C, 3B, 4A, 9A, 11) are ^SKIPPED or otherwise inappropriate. If possible, this change should be incorporated into Version 4.10. Received: 2/7/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-015 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: A small number or twins are misreported as singletons, thus resulting in duplicate BCIs, but more importantly, in significant errors on the non-confidential portion of the birth certificate.Solution: Explore the possibility of adding a duplicate check based on the computed BCI at the time of HCA filing. Received: 2/8/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-016 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Vickie at Kern County entered the LFN number in the Printer Offset prompt instead of at the LFN number prompt. Then she did not get the LFN nbr printed on the BC. I tested it and got 2 papers fed through the printer with the registration date only printed on the second page. John looked at the process and said that the 694 in the Printer Offset prompt was wrong. I checked help and then put in 2 and test printed a BC. I got everything I was suppose to.PRINTER OFFSET <694> ? ENTER THE NUMBER OF LINES FOR THE PRINTER OFFSET. THIS IS HOW FAR FROM THE TOP THE LRD/CERT# PRINTS. YOU MUST SPECIFY WHOLE OR HALF LINES ONLY (I.E. 2, 2.5, 3, ETC.) PRINTER OFFSET <694> 2 Solution: Put in a check of the response to the Printer Offset prompt to make sure the number is valid. If it isn’t, give them an error message or warning message to alert them to change it to a correct number. Received: 2/13/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-017 |
C33 Riverside County, |
Problem: Add Facilities to Field 101 of CDC form:337760 - Encore Senior Village, 6280 Clay St, Riverside, HFPA 11110 337761 - Life Care Center Conv., 2600 S Main St, Corona, HFPA 11110 337762 - Hemet Valley Health Care Center, 371 N. Weston Place, Hemet, HFPA 11090 337763 - Premier Health Care, 2990 E Ramon Rd, Palm Springs, HFPA 11050 337764 - Beverly Oaks Assisted Living, 24200 Monroe Ave, Murrieta, HFPA 11090 337765 - Britannia Lodge Board & Care, 73433 Juniper Drive, Palm Desert, HFPA 11050 337766 - Cherry Valley Health Care, 5800 Wilson St, Banning, HFPA 11070 337767 - Sterling Communities, 31780 Butterfield Stage Road, Temecula HFPA 11090 337768 - Menifee Valley Medical Ctr, 28400 McCall Blvd, Sun City HFPA 11090 Name Change: 331151 - Community Care & Rehab. 4070 Jurupa Ave, Riverside, HFPA 11110 Received: 2/13/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-018 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: #CMRGEN and #CMRGENR are not Y2K compatible.Solution: Convert CMRGN2K and CMRGNR2 to standard reports as per the attached layouts. Received: 3/16/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-019 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: A small number of undefined values have been detected in LCA Field 17 (Date of Registration). This, in turn, was traced to the LRD ^Filing at Field 17 --- the users probably left their terminals at the 17 prompt during HCA to LCA linkage and an incomplete certificate was thus filed. The problem is similar to the previous ones related to multiple race prompting, where anincorrect file point is written, in this case it is erroneously 18B or 18C, not 17. When COMPLETE INCOMPLETE is used to complete the record, Field 17 is not prompted for and is thus left undefined. Solution: Remove the semi-colon at line SAVTST+2 in routine ^FSHCASF1. This can easily be done by telephone. Received: 3/16/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done in V4.10 |
01-020 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: An unforeseen side effect of requiring all HCAs to be SENT before they can be linked to an LCA means that the LIST TO BE SENT TO HEALTH DEPT must be used for home births registered at LRDs as well as those HCAs entered at OVR for non-AVSS LRDs. This creates work that appears to be unnecessary.Possible Solutions: Do not require LIST TO BE SENT TO HEALTH DEPT to be used for hospital codes in the range 801-899. This is not an ideal solution since some AVSS hospitals still register home births. It is not clear what to do about OVR. Another possibility is to create a suboption like LIST TO BE SENT TO HEALTH DEPT that could be used to flag HCAs, but not require that a list be printed. Other solutions may exist --- input is welcome. Received: 3/16/2001 Evaluation: Not approved by TAG on 6/6/2001. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn |
01-021 |
C01 Alameda County, |
Problem: A death certificate was entered with an incorrect #. On 2/27/01 the Adams death certificate was entered incorrectly (Date of Death was entered as 02/18/2001) rather than the correct date of death of 12/18/2000. The corrected date was entered on 2/28/01. Both LFNs are 8887 one for 2001 and one for 2000. When the missing file number report is run for year 2001 deaths, the #8887 does not show up as it should to advise us of the fact that a number was mis-entered. It was a fluke it was discovered. See the attached certificate and AVSS death records.MISSING FILE NUMBER REPORT FOR ALAMEDA RANGE: 3200101000000 TO 3200101999999 3200101000000 LAST USED CERTIFICATE NUMBER IN RANGE 3200101000000-3200101999999 IS 3200101001958 Solution: Please add a MISSING FILE NUMBER EDITOR for the DEATH RECORD Option. Received: 3/16/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-022 |
C19 Los Angeles County |
Problem: Add Hospital: HCA 186, Robert F Kennedy, 4500 W 116 St, Hawthorn, 9290Received: 3/22/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-023 |
C36, San Bernardino County, |
Problem: Hospital Name Change: HCA 453Old Name: Columbia Chino Valley Med Ctr New Name: Chino Valley Medical Center Received: 3/28/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-024 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Hospital Name Change:H348/Facility #240942 Old Name: Sutter Merced Medical Center New Name: Mercy Medical Center-Community H349/Facility #240948 Old Name: Mercy Hospital New Name: Mercy Medical Center-Dominican Received: 4/17/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-025 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Cinda Weisberger from Marin (C21) called regarding the new warning message she gets when registering a record from foreign import. I traced the message to the LCA,"%INIT",6 node which I believe is now superfluous now that we don't allow linkage to HCAs that haven't been sent. I believe this check should be removed.Received: 4/3/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-026 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Hospital Address Change: Enloe Medical Center, HCA 033/Facility #40962Old Address: West 5th Ave & Esplanade New Address: 1531 Esplanade Received: 5/1/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-027 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: ^FSR("#CHIRSKD","201")="SELECT>INCLUDE {I24D}="CA",+{I24B}=^FSU("SITE","CODE")" . It should be removed from the report.Received: 2/20/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-028 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: We found a problem with the FIND AND REMOVE DUPLICATE SUBFORMS routine in that it had assumed that the format of the NM indexes would not differ between the form and it's sub-forms. Because we take into account the length of the entire index the space remaining for name entries diminishes on the LCA form because of the physically longer primary index (LFN on the LCA is 13 characters where on the HCA BPF is typically 7 characters). So we need to modify the search in the FSYDUP2 routine to take into account the dissimilar values in the FSX global and compare the data items themselves. Ron discovered this problem during the transition to the Internet at Merced.Received: 5/7/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-029 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: When reporting mother's and father's place of birth and mother's residence state (items 7, 10 and 24D) we use the table in appendix B of the CBC Specifications to collapse AVSS state codes into the state codes required by OVR. The appendix has a code for Canada which is not being used if the data has the province name instead of the country name. We should modify our translation table (^FSL("CBC94","STATECODE")) to have entries for the province values: ABC, BCC, MBC, NKC, NFC, NSC, NTC, ONC, PIC, QUC, SNC and YKC all being coded to the CN code of 200.Received: 5/7/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-030 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: John called today about the problem with System Status not displaying ROUTINE NAME. This was caused by an incompatibility with newer MSM-NT systems. I found a way to correct this and have uploaded the new version of FSPCSS to BEAR.Received: 5/7/2001 Evaluation: Remove these suboptions from AVSS/NET since they are inappropriate. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-031 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: MSM functions in System Maintenance (such as JOB KILL, PEEK, AVSS DATABASE INTEGRITY CHECKER, etc.) in AVSS Net get the error <NOPGM>. We have to go to the UCI MGR in programmer's mode to do any of them.Received: 5/10/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-032 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: If something other than a V or D is entered in COMMUNICATIONS LOG PROCESSING as shown below, it appears to delete the range. In fact it doesn't, but it is disarming.[TRANSMISSIONS ON LINE 74, LAST=291] (V)IEW OR (D)ELETE > X ENTER BEGINNING ENTRY <FIRST> ENTER ENDING ENTRY <LAST> 20 10 DELETING TRANSMISSIONS ON LINE: 74 Solution: Only allow a D, V, ^, ^Q at the prompt. Received: 5/16/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done 11/1/2001 |
01-033 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: I found a minor problem with the ID index of the CDC form. The second set should read FILE("ID",1)=+{I7}. The symptom was that when generating a report and a date range was requested, the report generator was asking for DATE OF BIRTH instead of DATE OF DEATH. This problem was a result of how we parse out text values from the index definition.Received: 5/17/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-034 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Last version we put an enhancement into the creation of the %USAGE nodes to allow for long original and new values being stored. In Nevada county I found that they used all 255 characters allowed for a data value in a death certificate and included @ characters in the value which is fine except that the transfer program was attempting to put % signs in because of an inadequate test. So this AMR is to beef up the test done on the data in the %USAGE nodes. This enhancement has been completed and tested and is in the FSTRNOSR routine in CAD at lines USAGE and USAGE+2.Received: 5/17/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-035 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: The hospital HCA 597 has had several name changes and is now listed as 60th Medical Group. The former name was David Grant. When the name David Grant is listed in Programmer's Mode in ^FSFORM after the first ';' the name is USAF DAVID GRAND MED CENTER. That needs to be changed to 60th Medical Group. This change has been made at the county.Received: 5/21/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-036 |
HCA 569 El Camino Hospital |
Problem: Add City, and Zip Code to the zip code list: 94085 - SunnyvaleI have verified this with the USPS web site Received: 5/22/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-037 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Got a call from Larry Portigal who was having trouble with a report. He wanted to specify a range of XIND codes (e.g. 1:1:18) which is correct according to the XIND help during creation of the report. The code that gets generated has extra double quotes " so that the FLOOP code says F XIND="1:1:18" instead of F XIND=1:1:18 when the report gets generated.Received: 5/22/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-038 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Add races to race list: Celtic, and BritonReceived: 5/25/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-039 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: DDC Fields 43 and CT are being printed on both the 1st and 2nd passes. This could be a problem if the user completes all fields then elect to print both passes instead of the single pass.Solution: Print Fields 43 and CT on the 2nd pass only. Received: 5/23/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-040 |
OVR, Alan Oppenheim |
Problem: San Diego County uses a system other than AVSS to collect death certificate information. OVR eventually enters San Diego's infant deaths into AVSS, but San Diego non-infant death AVSS reallocates are not available, and San Diego infant death AVSS reallocates and birth /death AVSS cross matching are delayed. The County is interested in developing a means for transferring San Diego death information into AVSS.Solution: Develop an AVSS utility to import death certificate information from other systems. Received: 5/25/2001 Evaluation: Not approved by TAG on 6/6/2001. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn |
01-041 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Occasionally AVSS/NET gets stuck in an error loop as shown:10 MER,AVS FSET 278911858/2 6pc(lrd1.avss.ucsb.edu~1234~ 5/29 1143 NINA REYNOLDS This, in turn, can be traced to a disconnect error: $ZE=<DSCON>GID^FS:::6:12: $H=58588,44133 (May 29 2001, 12:15 PM) $J=14, $I=5 Solution: Automatically kill jobs that get stuck in an error loop when disconnects are experienced in AVSS/NET. Note: John/Peter may wish to add more to the solution. Received: 5/29/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-042 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: The baby is a twin (no matter which twin is indicated). One of the twins died in Jan or Feb this year 2001. The mother does not know which and it wasn't at this hospital. When the birth clerk entered just 2001 she got the errorERROR: DATE OF LAST TERMINATION (27F) IS AFTER DATE OF BIRTH (4A) It would not let her file the record. She had to either skip the field or enter one of the months (1/01 or 2/01) for her to file the record. I tried it also and got the same problems. Received: 5/30/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-043 |
OVR, Alan Oppenheim |
Problem: A new optional procedure allows LRDs to retain original death certificates with the cause or manner of death listed as "pending" for a period of up to 60 days. A supplemental transmittal listing must accompany the the formerly retained pending death certificates when they are sent to OVR. The listing would include the LFN, name and date of registration for each decedent.Header information would include the LRD name, the number of records listed, and a space to write in the date of transmittal shipment to OVR. This transmittal could be accurately and efficiently produced through a List To Be Sent AVSS option. Solution Create an AVSS option that allows participating LRD's to select decedents, by LFN or by name, to be added to a supplemental transmittal listing. Received: 5/30/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-044 |
C34 Sacramento County, John Moehring |
Problem: Add Hospital: HCA782 - The Birth Center, 6622 Mercy Court, Sacramento, HFPA 3092. Also have a listing that is Birth Center that references The Birth Center so if they just put Bir it will give them The Birth Center and the address, etc.Received: 6/1/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-045 |
C33 Riverside County, |
Problem: Add Facilities337769 - Miravilla Care Center, 9246 Avenida Miravilla, Cherry Valley, HFPA 11070 337770 - Palm Springs Healthcare, 277 S. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs, HFPA 11050 Received: 6/5/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-046 |
C01 Alameda County, |
Problem: Please make "MISSING FILE NUMBER EDITOR" an option in the Death Record Option like it is in the Birth Certificate Option.Received: 6/7/2001 Evaluation: Duplicate of AMR 01-021. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn |
01-047 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Sometime when doing the LFN ASSIGNMENT at BEGINNING LFN <1200138000531> the LFN listed is incorrect. It is a LFN that has already been used.Received: 6/8/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: |
01-048 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Zip 90295 is not associated with MARINA DEL REY in AVSS and should be, and we should add 90296 as VENICE. USPS web site checked.Received: 6/13/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-049 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Colleen at Queen of the Valley got a <UNDEF> error in ^FSF when starting to register a Hospital Birth Record that has a Delivery Record for the mother. When using the Mother's Last Name and the date of Admission to bring up the mother's delivery record she got the UNDEF error.Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done 6/15/01 |
01-050 |
OVR, Alan Oppenheim |
Problem: OVR, and LRD's participating in the optional procedure for processing pending death certificates, need to be able to determine if any pending certificates are due to be sent to OVR.Solution: Create a report which would measure the difference between the date of registration and the current date, for all records with -1 (pending) in the UCOD field. This report would list aging unsent pending records that have not been amended or sent to OVR beyond a user specified number of days, with the default set to 60 days. The listing would be by date of registration (with the oldest record listed first) and would also contain LFN and Decedent's Last Name. Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-051 |
OVR, Alan Oppenheim |
Problem: OVR needs to determine how timely pending death certificates are entered into AVSS, in order to assure legal compliance and to pay $1.00 per record.Solution: Replicate John’s DTHLTALL report, substituting Date of Registration for Date of Death and limit the report to death records that have –1 in the UCOD field when the record is first filed in AVSS. Received: 7/2/2001 Evaluation: Report name DTHPEND TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-052 |
C50, Stanislaus County, |
Problem: When scanning birth certificates for registration, if the child’s last name has an upper case letter followed by a lower case letter (i.e., Mc), the scanner does not recognize or read the bar coding. AVSS response is "This is an incorrect response for hospital. Enter ? for more information." The birth certificate can only be entered manually.Solution: Translate lower case to upper case before computing BCI. Received: 5/30/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-053 |
HCA227 Long Beach Memorial MC |
Problem: For our hospital name on the Birth certificates it reads Memorial Hospital Medical Center, the correct name for our hospital is Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, HCA 227, Facility #190525 |
01-054 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: As shown below, if there are not rejected census tractingrecords to process, AVSS exits instead of returning to SYSTEM OPTION. BIRTH CERTIFICATE OPTION > INTERACTIVE CENSUS TRACTING OF REJECTS BY LFN CNTY. COUNTY <24> = MERCED NO RECORDS IN THE REJECT FILE FOR SITE='24'. Exit Solution: Return to suboption prompt as the AVSS standard. Received7/24/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-055 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: The AVSS standard reports consistently classify codes 52 (Indian-Asian) and 53 (Filipino) as OTHER, consistent with the beginning digit (5) of the two-digit code. More recent race codingconventions (for example OMB), however, call for Indian and Filipino to be coded as ASIAN. Solution: Globally change the S ETH line in all AVSS reports from EXECUTE> S ETH=$S({I21}=10!({I21}=11):"WHITE",{I21}=20!({I21}=21):"BLACK", {I21}>39&({I21}<50):"ASIAN",+{I21}=0!({I21}>97):"unk",1:"OTHER") EXECUTE> S ETH=$S({I21}=10!({I21}=11):"WHITE",{I21}=20!({I21}=21):"BLACK", {I21}>39&({I21}<50):"ASIAN",{I21}=52!({I21}=53):"ASIAN",+{I21}=0!({I21}>97): "unk",1:"OTHER") Received: 7/24/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-056 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: If a hospital ^Files a record and does not put it onto a LIST TO BE SENT... an error is generated at the registrars office when attempting to link to the record. AVSS should just generate an error that the record hasn't been put on the list. The error is caused by the ^T($J,"%LINK") item being undefined when line START+1^FSLCALIN is reached.Solution: modify the FSLCALIN routine to not check the value of ^T($J,"%LINK"). I don't see any reason to check this when determining if the record has been put on a list to be sent. This code may exist from previous version of AVSS before we required that the HCA records be put on the list and when we allowed creation of records at the LCA level. Received: 7/25/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-057 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: I noticed that the State/Country list has an entry: UNITED STATES. This value is currently being coded to 998 (remainder of world) by the CBC1400 program. It should be coded to unknown (999). |
01-058 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: The AVSS database at OVR is not optimal since it does not contain state file number (SFN). As a result, there is not a single statewide database that can be used for indexing and reports.Additionally, state staff is still hand-numbering SFN. Solution: Develop a VCA (Vital records-CAlifornia) form that has a primary filing variable of SFN and an automated means for printing and scanning SFN into AVSS. Link LCA forms to VCAs and file by SFN, but do not delete LCAs. Develop the following VCA suboptions: REGISTER CHILD AND PRINT SFN DISPLAY CERTIFICATE EDIT CERTIFICATE SFN PRINT LINK SFN AND LFN ALPHA LIST OF CERTIFICATES FILING VARIABLE LIST VARIABLE DISPLAY MISSING FILE NUMBER REPORT INCOMPLETE CERTIFICATE REPORT VALIDATION DISPLAY INDIVIDUAL INQUIRY USER REPORT USER REPORT BY ACTIVITY INDEX USER SUMMARY PRINT CERTIFICATE DUPLICATE RECORD REPORT BASED ON NAME DUPLICATE RECORD REPORT BASED ON HOSPITAL/DOB/TOB TEST LFN/BCI VALIDITY TRANSMITTAL REPORT FROM VALIDITY TEST CERTIFICATE CONTROL REPORT AMENDMENT DISPLAY Received: 7/25/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-059 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Enhance the birth-death matching process by restricting the automatic matching criteria. This includes skipping multiple births and increasing the number of matching fields. Improve the interactive matching program by allowing selection of index to search. |
01-060 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Add the UCODS field to the CBC tape generation. |
01-061 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: START+1^FSCBC94Z – Repair QUIT condition to account for incomplete forms. |
01-062 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: ERR+1^FSRP4 – fix routine name extraction for error reporting in the report generator. |
01-063 |
C05, Calaveras County, |
Problem: The Calaveras County Public Health Department requires providers to report Positive Tuberculin Skin Tests to the Health Department on Confidential Morbidity Reports. Even though Positive Tuberculin Skin Tests do not need to be reported to the State, we would like to enter the CMR information into AVSS for statistical purposes. We can enter them as "Other", but that does not meet our needs.Solution: Add Positive Tuberculin Skin Tests to the list of diseases in AVSS. [A patient with a positive TST but no signs or symptoms of TB disease would fall under the "Infected, No disease" category/checkbox on the CMR form (in the TB section). So, although there is no active disease at this time, the ability to enter this indicator of infection into AVSS could be useful and appropriate. It may be more involved as some might also find it useful to distinguish a "Converter" from a "Reactor" (also on CMR). I'm referring this note to Dr. Jenny Flood, Chief of TB Surveillance to see if our TB Control Branch has any thoughts/comments...—Mark Starr] Received: 7/27/2001 Evaluation: Needs TAG discussion. Note: there is already a SKINTEST variable for TB cases with CONVERTER or REACTOR choices that could serve this purpose. TAG Recommendation: Suzanne Whitley of Calaveras County requested that Positive Tuberculin Skin Test (Positive PPT or LTBI) be added to the AVSS/CMR disease list. The request was approved as a non-reportable disease. There was some discussion about adding a CONVERTER/REACTOR sub-prompt for this condition, but it was deferred. TST Positive (rather than "Positive TST", so the user would find it in the "Ts" rather than the "Ps"), PPD Positive (note that the acronym is PPD, not PPT), LTBI. The acronyms, if you need to spell them out, represent "tuberculin skin test", "purified protein derivative", and "latent TB infection". I would suggest TSTPOS for the AVSS abbreviation. AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-064 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: The BCI barcode is too close to the LFN barcode for optimal automated scanning. |
01-065 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Vickie Whitmire of Kern County enters AIDS cases into AVSS CMR Option. When registering she enters the field DISEASE> AIDS, then the field LAST NAME> S# 93261 which is the AIDS case number. She does not enter anything in the FIRST NAME or MIDDLE NAME OR INITIAL fields. This then brings up the list of possible duplicates. Since the duplicate check looks at only the first 3 characters or spaces in the last name it checks S# and the space, she has to wade through all the AIDS cases she has ever entered to be able to finish the CMR because when she gets the prompt "HIT RETURN TO CONTINUE" it does not say "Q TO QUIT, OR ENTER VALUE >" like other lists.Solution: Change prompt to "HIT ENTER TO CONTINUE, OR ‘Q’ OR ’^Q’ TO QUIT" Received: 8/10/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-066 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: It has come to our attention that some counties are circumventing the requirement that the hospital put records into a LIST TO BE SENT by running the LIST TO BE SENT option at the county. This is fine for hospitals that dial into the county computer because the records are always up to date. In contrast, for remote stand-alone AVSS hospital installations we don't know if we have the latest version of the records at the county until they are marked completed (by inclusion on a LIST TO BE SENT) by the hospital. The LIST TO BE SENT requirement was intended to make sure that communications are occurring with the remote hospitals and that the records are finished before we link to them and create county LCA records. |
01-067 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Sometimes, OVR has a need to batch enter a large number of death certificates and only needs a subset of data to enter. Develop a conditional branching scheme using a flag value in ^FSU to retain the original prompting sequence but has the capability of switching to the abbreviated entry by setting.a flag. The flag location is ^FSU("CDCSHORT"). Received: 8/15/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-068 |
C43, Santa Clara County, Linda Vigo, |
Problem: Add facilities to CDC:437761, Lorrie Residential Care & Home, 678 High Glen Dr., San Jose, 4310 437762, Homewood Care Center, 75 N. 13th St., San Jose, 4310 437763, Homewood Care Center, 2985 Richland Ave, San Jose, 4310 437764, Mission Villa, 3333 S. Bascom Ave, Campbell, 4310 437765, Silicon Valley Health Care, 1990 Fruitdale Ave, San Jose, 4310 437766, Bon-Homie Care Home, 27795 Lena Ave, San Jose, 4310 437767, Arlen Manor, 2734 Moorpark, San Jose, 4310 437768, Milpitas Care Center, 120 Corning Ave, Milpitas, 4310 437769, LQC, 2604 Cherry Ave, San Jose, 4310 437770, Sunnyvale Garden Nursing Home, 1025 Carson Dr, Sunnyvale, 4290 437771, Saratoga Retirement, 14500 Fruitvale Ave, Saratoga, 4310 Received: 8/17/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-069 |
OVR, Alan Oppenheim, |
Problem: There is a long delay in receiving LCAs from certain small LRDs having the Recorder as the birth registrar, but with hospitals using AVSS. In these LRDs (Amador, Calaveras, Del Norte, Lassen, Siskiyou, and Tehama) HCAs are transferred to an AVSS computer at the Health Departmentand there they are linked to an LCA by assigning an LFN. This AVSS registration is made possible by the Recorder sending a copy of the legal portion of VS-10D to the Health Department, but there are often lengthy delays before all the steps are completed. Solution: During the nightly communications between OVR and the six LRDs above, perform an additional electronic transfer of new or edited HCAs from the LRD to OVR (note: the hospital-to-LRD transfers of HCAs will continue). Set ^FSU("HOSPOVR")=1 as a flag at these LRDs to indicate that this process will occur. OVR will then register (link HCA to LCA) when the paper copies of VS-10D arrive in Sacramento and AVSS will reallocate the LCAs back to the county of occurrence as well as residence (when they differ). This will transfer the AVSS registration responsibility from the Health Department in these six counties to OVR. Received: 8/22/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-070 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: The current records unit (CRU) has started to enter some of the amendments from death certificates into the AVSS system. The amend (and amendment loop) option(s) assumed that only LCA records would be amended and then transferred to BID. So the FSAM and FSAMLP routines need to be updated to check for form before adding a record to the BID writeout. I have updated the routines at OVR. Soon I will do an AVSSBU to load the current routines/globals into CAS on CETA.Received: 8/29/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-071 |
AVSS Project, |
Problem: When printing the LFN bar code an adjustment is sometimes necessary in where the bar code or Field 16 and 17 print. The smallest present adjustment is .5. I think a smaller adjustment such as is done in the HPLJ Form Alignment Option in the Hospital Birth Record Option should be allowed.Received: 8/29/2001 Evaluation: Impractical with PCL TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn |
01-072 |
Co1 Alameda County, |
Problem: Address Change: HCA 781: The Birth Home, 4441 Railroad Ave.Received: 8/31/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-073 |
OVR, Jessica McCarroll |
Problem: Hospital Name Change: HCA038/Facility #60870Old Name: Colusa Community Hospital New Name: Colusa Regional Medical Center Received: 9/5/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-074 |
C36 San Bernardino County, |
Problem: There are two doctors at HCA 455, Doctor’s Hospital Medical Center, with the same first and last name but different middle initial: Thomas T. Lee (license # A37294) and Thomas W. Lee (license # A25725). When running the #HMDCS2X report for that hospital, all the births for both doctors are counted as births for Thomas T. Lee. She was doing the report for the dates 8/1/01 – 8/31/01. When she ran the report by license #, the birth for Thomas W. Lee showed up credited to him.Solution: For report #HMDCS2X include the middle initial when doing the sort by doctor’s name. Received: 9/6/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-075 |
OVR, Jessica McCarroll, |
Problem: Add to the race list: Resighini (31), and Howonquet (31)Received: 9/10/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-076 |
C19, Los Angeles, Larry Portigal |
Problem: Hospital Name Change: HCA 180/Facility #190328Old Name: Huntington East Valley and before that: Glendora Community Hospital New Name: East Valley Hospital Medical Center and their address is now: 150 W Route 66 Avenue Received: 9/11/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-077 |
C15, Kern County, Vickie Whitmire |
Problem: I would like to request that the Interactive Census Tract Option be added to the CMR Option.Received: 10/3/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-078 |
DHS, Michael C. Samuel, |
Problem: We would like to have the AVSS CMR output record (the flat file often analyzed with EpiInfo) format modified to include the full name of the provider and pregnancy status, both of which are currently entered into AVSS.Received: 10/8/2001 Evaluation: Needs TAG discussion. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: |
01-079 |
DHS, Michael C. Samuel, |
Problem: We would like to add fields to AVSS, not currently collected on the CMR, but usually available from local communicable disease control staff. These fields include laboratory of report, and (anatomical) site of STD infection (genital, rectal or pharyngeal).Received: 10/8/2001 Evaluation: Needs TAG discussion. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: |
01-080 |
C50, Stanislaus County, Darian Bashaw |
Problem: For Death Certificate data entry:Item #112 - State Handbook states to use None or a dash (-) as acceptable entry. AVSS will not allow a single or double dash as acceptable entry. Item #113 - State Handbook states to use a dash (-) or None as acceptable entry. AVSS will not allow a single or double dash or None. Received: 10/11/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-081 |
AVSS Project, |
Problem: Automated Birth-Death linkage has emphasized the need to have an AVSS fetal death data base in order to assist in resolving unmatched birth and infant death records.Solution: Develop a FETAL DEATH CERTIFICATE form called the FDC that will be capable of collecting data (but not printing fetal death certificates) with the following suboptions: REGISTER FETUS DISPLAY CERTIFICATE EDIT CERTIFICATE ALPHA LIST OF CERTIFICATES COMPLETE INCOMPLETE CERTIFICATE INCOMPLETE CERTIFICATE REPORT FILING VARIABLE LIST VARIABLE DISPLAY INDEX LIST DISPLAY VALIDATION DISPLAY INDIVIDUAL INQUIRY USER REPORT USER REPORT BY ACTIVITY INDEX USER SUMMARY PRINT CERTIFICATE SCRATCH CERTIFICATE MODIFY USER LISTS MISSING FILE NUMBER REPORT LIST DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE REPORT AMEND CERTIFICATE AMENDMENT DISPLAY BATCH CENSUS TRACT BY LFN RANGE BATCH CENSUS TRACT BY DATE RANGE INTERACTIVE CENSUS TRACTING OF REJECTS BY LFN DUPLICATE RECORD REPORT BASED ON NAME Received: 10/11/2001 Evaluation: Successfully beta-tested in Merced County using AVSS/NET. TAG Recommendation: : It was agreed to include a FETAL DEATH CERTIFICATE (FDC) option in Version 4.11. It would function in the same manner as the current DEATH RECORD (CDC) option in that in would allow data entry for statistical purposes, but would not be an electronic registration system and thus would not print fetal death certificates. AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-082 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: AMR 00-073 created requirements for more secure passwords (disallow number-only and alpha-only, plus require some non-alpha characters). However, it may be some time before a user's password expires and the new requirement could then be confusing.Solution: Force the expiration of passwords so that all users will have to change their password using the new criteria at their next logon immediately following the Version 4.11 update. This could be optional to allow the immediate expiration of passwords on an elective LRD-specific basis. Received: 11/1/2001 Evaluation: Needs TAG discussion. TAG Recommendation: AMR 00-073 will be implemented in Version 4.11 and will require more stringent passwords. This AMR suggests that all passwords be programmed to expire simultaneously following the 4.11 update so that users can be informed in a coordinated manner regarding the new requirement. The group consensus was that this approach would not be advantageous and thus it was not approved. Passwords will expire according to the current schedule. AVSS Programmer: Priority/Final Outcome: Withdrawn by TAG |
01-083 |
OVR, Alan Oppenheim, |
Problem: When using AVSS LFN Assignment to print local file numbers at the LRD or when using AVSS SFN Assignment to print state file numbers at OVR, the birth year entry prompt defaults to the current year. When a birth from the previous year is to be registered, the user could easily select the current year default instead of entering the previous year. The current year and avery high LFN would then be printed on the previous year birth certificate. Solution: Remove the current year default and have the user enter either the current birth year or the previous birth year. Received: 11/2/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-084 |
OVR, Alan Oppenheim, |
Problem: For births, AVSS LFN Assignment prints the LFN and optionally prints the Local Registrar's signature and date of registration. However, for deaths, AVSS LFN Assignment only prints the LFN.Solution: For deaths, in addition to printing the LFN, allow AVSS LFN Assignment to optionally print the Local Registrar's signature and date of registration. Received: 11/2/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: This AMR was not in the handout, but Alan Oppenheim had submitted it earlier and presented it at the meeting. For births (LCAs), AVSS LFN Assignment prints the LFN and optionally prints the Local Registrar's signature and date of registration, but, for deaths, AVSS LFN Assignment only prints the LFN. This same capability should be added for death records (CDCs). It was agreed that this AMR is a good idea. AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-085 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: A problem with the Generate Linked Cohort File option was reported in San Francisco. After further investigation, the problem was traced to a ^T global reference in the FSCBC94X routine. The global references in line 43+1 should be naked references.Received: 11/2/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done 10/5/2001 |
01-086 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Death Facility name change at Alameda County C01:Facility 10887 Old=Vencor Hospital New=Kindred Hospital Received: 9/18/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-087 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: H ave state file number (SFN) print on amendment forms. This one was Done on 5/17/01 at OVR.Received: 11/14/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done 5/17/01 |
01-088 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: For state: Add warning message to edit and scratch when an LCA is selected that has a linked VCA.Received: 11/14/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-089 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: Census tract rejects for the CMR form are not being added to the reject file because we are attempting to tract before a file ID had been created. We end up resetting a single entry (UNASSIGNED) instead of adding a entry with the appropriate ID value.Received: 11/14/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-090 |
AVSS Project, |
Problem: Variations in margins for blank birth certificates have historically presented problems when printing data fields using AVSS. Additionally, the current forms for amendments do not lend themselves to AVSS printing.Solution: In addition to the current Death Certificate (VS 9E) and Disposition Permit (VS 9E) that have been printed on plain paper in Santa Barbara County since 1998, develop plain paper printing capability using AVSS/NET and PostScript printers to print the following vital records forms: VS 10D: Certificate of Live Birth VS 24(S): Affidavit To Amend Record (short version) VS 24(L): Affidavit To Amend Record (long version) VS 24A: Physician/Coroner's Amendment Received: 11/19/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: The AVSS Project has proposed printing on "plain paper" four additional vital records forms [(VS10D, VS24(S), VS24(L), VS24A)] in addition to the current two (VS11E and VS9E). This would require AVSS/NET, Postscript printer, and the approval of OVR. Michael Rodrian stated that OVR believes it is a good idea, but needs to further study issues related to paper stock and fraud prevention. He gave a tentative OK for the AVSS Project to proceed. AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-091 |
AVSS Project, |
Problem: While AVSS allows users to amend electronic birth certificates (LCAs) and death certificates (CDCs), it does not have the capability of printing amendments and is limited in its data management capabilities.Solution: Develop the a module to print and manage birth and death certificate amendments. This would be available only on AVSS/NET since it would rely plain paper printing, which can be accomplished most reliably using Internet communications. Received: 11/19/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: If plain paper printing of amendments is made possible by the incorporation of AMR 01-090 above, then producing paper copies of amendments using AVSS/NET becomes feasible. This AMR would enable that capability, was endorsed by the TAG participants, and will be reviewed by OVR. AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-092 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: FileNET needs a list of SFN/LFN linkages.Solution: Each morning at 4:00AM write out an SFN/LFN linkage file containing all the records AVSS added state file numbers to on the previous day. The file name will be FNyymmdd.DAT in the DSB subdirectory where yy is the year, mm is the month and dd is the day the state file numbers were created. The file format: cols value 1-10 SFN 11 blank 12-24 LFN 25 blank 26-43 BCI (if on the record) 44 blank 45-62 computed BCI from current values 63 carriage return 64 line feed In addition create an output report in the communications log under the XMT entries telling the file name and number of records. Received: 11/19/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-093 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: There are conditions (namely, locally applied amendments) that prevent AVSS from writing out the BID file for certain records. Emily currently runs a quarterly report to find these records.Solution: To improve the timeliness of the data in the BID file, when we are creating the SFN/LFN linkage file (AMR 01-092) test if the record has not been written out to DSB (indicated by the FSDSB global) and is not currently on the list of records waiting to be written out to DSB (indicated by the FSTRNDSB global). If the record meets these criteria add a warning message to the SFN/LFN output report indicating the record has not been written out to DSB and indicate whether the record has been amended. Received: 11/19/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-094 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: Some LRDs are circumventing the restriction on editing Birth Certificates (LCA forms)by using the AMEND CERTIFICATE suboption to perform edits when there is no "paper" amendment. The current EDIT CERTIFICATE warning may actually be encouraging users to inappropriately use AMEND CERTIFICATE since the following message appears: YOU ARE USING 'EDIT' INSTEAD OF 'AMEND' FOR A COUNTY BIRTH CERTIFICATE ARE YOU SURE? <N> BACK OUT USING THE QUIT COMMAND: '^Q' TWICE, THEN USE THE 'AMEND' SUBOPTION. This language was originally programmed to discourage users from using EDIT instead of AMEND. Now that AVSS no longer permits the editing of most fields at the local level (see example below), the messages above may tend to promote the inappropriate use of AMEND. FIELD(S) TO MODIFY > 1A FIELD "1A" IS AN INVALID FIELD TO MODIFY Solution: 1. When an LCA record is inadvertently filed before edits are applied the LRD must contact OVR (916-324-2243) to edit the record at OVR, which will then be reallocated back to the LRD (and to other LRDs for residence-occurrence reallocates). AVSS should add 'CONTACT OFFICE OF VITAL RECORDS TO EDIT THIS FIELD.' to the ...INVALID FIELD TO MODIFY text above. 2. Add an AMEND verification: DO YOU HAVE A SIGNED AFFIDAVIT/AMENDMENT (VS 24S) FOR THIS CERTIFICATE? ARE YOU SURE? <N> IF YOU NEED TO PERFORM EDITS TO THIS RECORD YOU MAY NEED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF VITAL RECORDS DEPENDING ON WHICH FIELD YOU ARE TRYING TO EDIT. USE THE 'EDIT' SUB-OPTION TO ATTEMPT TO EDIT THIS RECORD. QUITING THE AMEND PROCESS FOR THIS RECORD. 3. Modify the USE THE 'AMEND' text as listed above from EDIT CERTIFICATE suboption: THE ONLY FIELDS THAT MAY BE EDITED ON A FILED BIRTH CERTIFICATE ARE 15A DATE OF DEATH AND CT CENSUS TRACT ANY OTHER FIELD CAN ONLY BE EDITED BY THE OFFICE OF VITAL RECORDS OR BY USING THE 'AMEND' SUB-OPTION ONLY IF YOU HAVE A SIGNED AFFIDAVIT OF AMENDMENT FORM (VS 24S) DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE WITH THE EDIT PROCESS? ARE YOU SURE? <N> Received: 11/28/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: Since AVSS no longer allows LRDs to edit registered electronic birth certificates (LCAs), some LRDs are circumventing this restriction by using AMEND CERTIFICATE inappropriately (when there is no paper amendment). This AMR will change the warning notice for both the EDIT CERTIFICATE and AMEND CERTIFICATE to remind users that they should use AMEND only when there is a signed Affidavit/Amendment. It was agreed that this should be incorporated into Version 4.11. AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-095 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: Amended electronic LCA records are being received by OVR when there is no paper amendment. OVR needs a way to un-mark these records as having been amended so that they will be written out to the BID file.Solution: ??? possibly create a sub-option to do this or modify the amend procedure at the state to do this. Ron, Peter and I need to discuss options. Received: 11/19/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-096 |
OVR, Alan Oppenheim, |
Problem: The Handbook for Birth and Death Registration indicates that if a child is already one year old at the time of registration, a Delayed Registration of Birth (VS 85) must be filed with the State OVR. While AVSS does not allow a hospital or LRD to complete a birth certificate (VS 100) for a child that is already one year of age, it does allow the LRD to register a birth certificate for a child that is already one year of age.Solution: Do not allow the LRD to register a birth in AVSS when the Date Accepted for Registration (Item 17) is more than 12 months later than the Date of Birth (Item 4A). Received: 11/30/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-097 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Some fields using coded lists do not display properly under VARIABLE DISPLAY. |
01-098 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: When editing Date of Death for CDC forms, we recomputed LFN so that the included year matches the date of death. If this recomputation creates a duplicate LFN, it could overwrite anexisting record without any user notification. Solution: Add a duplicate check for LFN in CDC field 7. Received: 12/3/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-099 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: Missing File Number Editor is not allowing the removal of LFN's inappropriately added to the list of missing numbers.Solution: Fix the code at DELETE^FSYMISS so that the appropriate variable (X) is set before the call to CONVERT Received: 12/3/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done 4/11/2001 |
01-100 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: No check is being performed to verify if numbers added to the list as missing are in fact missing. |
01-101 |
C49 Sonoma County, Monique N. Milochau |
Problem: Add facilities to Death Record field 101499022 – Chancellor House, 907 Adele Dr. #106, Windsor, CA HFPA 4010 499023 – Palliative Care Memorial Hospital, 151 Sotoyome, Santa Rosa, CA, HFPA 4010 Facility Name Change: 491058 Old Name – Montgomery Conv. Hospital, 3751 Montgomery Dr., Santa Rosa New Name – Parkview Gardens, 3751 Montgomery Dr., Santa Rosa When Monique registers birth certificates, at the prompt HOSP. HOSPITAL > she types SA to get Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital instead of typing the hospital code. She also gets Santa Rosa Community Hospital, which has had a name change to Sutter Medical Center (HCA 605). She does not want to have to type SA then choose 2 to get Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. She wants the second step eliminated by having Santa Rosa Community Hospital deleted from the list. HOSP. HOSPITAL > SA 1 SANTA ROSA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 2 SANTA ROSA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL HOSP. HOSPITAL > 605 = SUTTER MEDICAL CENTER (605). Received: 12/4/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-102 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Add facilities to CDC form Field 101:337771 – Palm Springs Health Care Center, 277 S. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs, HFPA 11050 337773 – Valley Plaza Doctors Hospital, 2224 Medical Center Drive, Perris, HFPA 11090 337774 – Premier Nursing and Rehab., 2990 East Ramon Road, Palm Springs, HFPA 11050 337775 – Banning Health Care, 3476 West Wilson, Banning, HFPA 11070 337777 – Mt. Rubidoux Conv. Hospital, 6401 33rd Street, Riverside, HFPA 11110 337778 – Ember Care, 2225 North Perris Blvd., Perris, HFPA 11090 337779 – Community Care on Palm, 4768 Palm Avenue, Riverside, HFPA 11110 337780 – Brighton Gardens, 72201 Country Club Drive, Rancho Mirage, HFPA 11050 337781 – Pleasant Care Conv. Hospital, 1400 Circle City Drive, Corona, HFPA 11110 337782 – Air Force Village West, 17050 Arnold Drive, Riverside, HFPA 11110 337783 – Devonshire Care Center, 1350 Devonshire, Hemet, HFPA 11090 337784 – California Nursing and Rehab, 2299 North Indian Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, HPFA 11050 337785 – Fountain at Carlotta, 41505 Carlotta Drive, Palm Desert, HFPA 11050 337786 – Monterey Palms Health Care, 44610 Monterey. Palm Desert, HFPA 11050 Received: 12/5/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-103 |
C49 Sonoma County, Monique N. Milochau |
Problem: Add facilities to CDC form Field 101:499024 - Sonoma Healthcare Center, 1250 Broadway, Sonoma, CA HFPA 4030 Received: 12/10/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-104 |
C34 Sacramento County, John Moehring |
Problem: Hospitals are inappropriately producing Verification Letters for home births.Solution: Develop a home birth classification that will disallow the printing of Verification Letter, and relate home birth passwords to this classification during Version 4.11 updates. Received: 12/10/2001 Evaluation: Manually change home birth passwords to this classification during the Version 4.11 updates." TAG Recommendation: This AMR was not in the handout, but John Moehring and Alan Oppenheim raised the issue in relation to AMR 01-097 above. Problem: Hospitals are inappropriately producing Verification Letters for home births. Solution: Develop a home birth classification that will disallow the printing of Verification Letter and relate home birth passwords to this classification during Version 4.11 updates. It was agreed that this AMR is a good idea. AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-105 |
AVSS Project, (JAM) |
Problem: Hospitals are putting incomplete HCA forms onto LIST TO BE SENT and subsequently they cannot complete them because they are "locked."Solution: Modify the LIST TO BE SENT option to add a display of the incomplete, unsent records prior to the creation of a list so the user will have an opportunity to see what records need to be completed before creating a list. Received: 12/11/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-106 |
C49 Sonoma County, Monique N. Milochau |
Problem: CDC Facility Name Change #491103:Old Name: Warrack Hospital New Name: Sutter Warrack Hospital Received: 12/12/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-107 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: CDC is asking states to separate out perinatal Hep B cases from other Hep B in data transmissions. Unfortunately, these cannot be determined for certain from the existing data (i.e., Hep B cases 1-24 mos in age). |
01-108 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: The RLC reallocation index does not account for the 3 city LRD's properly.Solution: Update the RLC index definition and run a conversion program to correct the FSX global. Received: 12/28/2001 Evaluation: Applies only to OVR. Report RLCSET must be run after the update is completed. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-109 |
CA Dept Health Svcs, DCDC, |
Problem: Please modify the AVSS output of the WMPR to match the new form. This form has been changed as follows:Chlamydial Infections moved from section A to B. Gonococcal Infections moved from A to B, and subcategories (civilian, public, private, M, F) have been eliminated. Syphilis subcategories Primary, Secondary, Early latent (<1 yr), and Congenital moved from B to C. Syphilis subcategory "Late Latent/Late" split into two categories (in section B): "Late latent (>1 year)" (AVSS name SYP-LLNT, ICD code 096) and "Late, with symptoms" (SYP-LATE, ICD 095). Note that Neurosyphilis (SYP-NEUR, ICD 094) cases should be included in the count for "Late, with symptoms". New syphilis subcategory (in Section B): "Latent, unknown duration" (SYP-LNT, ICD 097.1) Footnote changes: New footnote 5 (after syphilis in section B and C), renumbering of subsequent footnotes (need to change in section C and D), and addition of footnote (7) to brucellosis and tularemia (section C). Received: 12/28/2001 Evaluation: Should also update #CMRWPR. TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-110 |
CA Dept Health Svcs, DCDC, |
Problem: Please add "smallpox" to the AVSS disease list, using "SMALLPOX" as the AVSS code/mnemonic and 50.9 as the ICD code.Received: 12/28/2001 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-111 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: The following hospitals are inactive for deliveries and should be removed from the HCA list, but stay in for CDC. A log of their removal should be maintained. See attached list in email.Received: 1/14/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-112 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: The following hospital is active for deliveries and should be added to the HCA and CDC lists:764: Natural Birthing Center, 1424 Madera Rd, Suite 102, Simi Valley (C56), HFPA=8110 Received: 1/14/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-113 |
AVSS Project |
Problem : Hospital name change: HCA 0731 (C19):Old Name: BEVERLY MULTI-SPECIALTY MEDICAL GROUP New Name: BEVERLY HEALTH & BIRTHING CENTER Received: 1/14/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-114 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: NCHS reported an anomaly for birth certificate Field 25A with an increasing number of 1's in the DD field, beginning in October 2001. This can be attributed to AVSS date processing for 25A as related to Y2K. As indicated in the Help response to HCA 25A, users were allowed to enter only the date and year when the day of LMP was unknown. AVSS would then enter two dashes for the day. So, up until LMPs occurring in 2000, users could enter MM YY with the following result:25A. DATE LAST NORMAL MENSES BEGAN > 1 00 1/2000 <-- ASSUMED DATE CONVERTED TO 01/--/2000 But, AVSS also accepts dates as MM DD and assumes the current year. So starting in 2001, when 01 became a legitimate value for DD, AVSS would process a LMP date with an intended missing day (MM YY) as MM DD: 25A. DATE LAST NORMAL MENSES BEGAN > 1 01 1/1/2002 <-- ASSUMED DATE CONVERTED TO 01/01/2002 The proper way to enter an unknown day for LMP is MM CCYY: 25A. DATE LAST NORMAL MENSES BEGAN > 1 2001 1/2001 <-- ASSUMED DATE CONVERTED TO 01/--/2001 This problem became detectable after nine completed months of gestation, or for births that started occurring in late September 2001, and it will continue until a revised date processing procedure is implemented. Solution: Add a pre-check to only allow MM DD YY or MM CCYY formats. If the user input doesn’t match either of these formats, display an error message. Change the help response accordingly and indicate that the MM CCYY format should be used when day of LMP is unknown. Since other date fields do not allow for missing days, the MM DD input will still be allowed for those fields, but this issue should be discussed at the next TAG meeting. Received: 1/15/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-115 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: Please add for C39: HCA 0783, HFPA=5070:Daemen Medical Group, 1789 West Yosemite Ave., Suite 100, Manteca, CA 95337 Note that this is a birthing center for NCHS reporting. Received: 1/15/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: PMC Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-116 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: The FSVCA4 routine is not setting the SFN variable in the corresponding LCA record when a edit/amend to the LCA record is performed.Solution: Fix line START+11^FSVCA4 to set the SFN variable on the LCA form instead of the VCA form. Also run a fix routine to restore SFN values in the LCA records for any that were lost Received: 1/16/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done 1/16/2002 |
01-117 |
CMR, |
Problem: DISEASE. DISEASE > FOO1 FOOD POISONING: PARALYTIC SHELLFISH POISONING 2 FOODBORNE DISEASE (NOT BOTULISM) 3 FOODBORNE DISEASE OUTBREAK We would like to make changes on the 1, 2 and 3 above as following: 1. 1. Eliminate this category because we already have 2 categories: SHELLFISH POISONING, PARALYTIC AND PARALYTIC SHELLFISH POISONING. 2 2. FOODBORNE DISEASE: SINGLE CASE NOT OTHERWISE REPORTABLE. 3. 3. FOODBORNE DISEASE OUTBREAK (2 OR MORE CASES FROM COMMON FOOD SOURCE) Received: 1/23/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-118 |
AVSS Project, |
Problem: There was a problem with the MISSING FILE NUMBER report with regard to proper handling of the MISSING FILE NUMBER list (^FSMISS). |
01-119 |
C01, Alameda County, |
Problem: Facility Name Change, facility # 10914:Old Name: Quail Ridge Care Center New Name: Kaiser Post Acute Care at the same address: 1440 168th Ave., San Leandro, CA Received: 2/5/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-120 |
CA Dept Health Svcs, DCDC, |
Problem: 1. Please amend the AVSS prompt by adding an additional sentence. The entire prompt would read:"THIS APPEARS TO BE A PERINATAL CASE OF HEPATITIS B. PLEASE CHECK THE CASE DEFINITION AND CHANGE THE DISEASE TO "HEPATITIS B, PERINATAL", IF NECESSARY. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR COUNTY PERINATAL HEPATITIS B COORDINATOR OR THE STATE PERINATAL HEPATITIS B COORDINATOR IN THE IMMUNIZATION BRANCH." 2. Please modify the AVSS-generated WMPR so that the perinatal hep B cases (HEP-B-PN) are printed in Section D. Also, please insert the following at the beginning of footnote 3: "Please enter the count for Perinatal Hepatitis B cases separately in Section D. If you have any questions, please contact your county perinatal hepatitis B coordinator or the state perinatal hepatitis B coordinator in the Immunization Branch." Received: 2/6/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-121 |
C42 Santa Barbara, Lorna Backus , |
Problem: Hospital Address Change: HCA 557/Facility # 420483, due to the incorporation of Goleta, CA, HCA 5C was changed from SANTA BARBARA to GOLETA at C42 and AVSS master.Received: 2/12/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: RLW Priority/Final Outcome: Done |
01-122 |
AVSS Project, |
Problem: In AMR 01-095 we added a capability for OVR to "un-amend" a record that had been inappropriately marked as amended. This program is not "un-amending" the linked VCA record.Solution: Add code to the FSAMU routine to un-amend a linked VCA record. Received: 2/20/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: JAM Priority/Final Outcome: Done 2/20/2002 |
01-123 |
AVSS Project |
Problem: I am submitting an AMR to have the capabilities to scratch a record at theVCA level. I was working on a list of duplicates and discovered that a couple went through without being detected because the date of birth was not the same for both records. Unfortunately they also were assigned State File Numbers and entered into the Filenet system. The hard copies have been marked in filenet as duplicates and I have scratched them at the LCA level but need to do the same at the VCA level. Received: 2/20/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: Priority/Final Outcome: |
01-124 |
AVSS Project |
Problem : Fix the #BDM1 report: Dec2001 range giving UNDEF and DIVER errors.Received: 2/26/2002 Evaluation: TAG Recommendation: AVSS Programmer: Priority/Final Outcome: |
Updated April 19, 2002 by RL Williams