Key | Action Performed by AVSS |
[Enter] | ENTER: Send your keyboard input into AVSS. |
[Backspace] | DELETE: Backspace over your previous input to correct mistakes. |
[-] | BLANK out the current data value for this data field. |
[--] | DASH (-) for this data field. |
[;] | CONCATENATE (link together) the input for several data fields. |
Key | Action Performed by AVSS |
[?] or [F1] | HELP: Show instructions on what AVSS wants. |
[^] or [F2] | BACKUP: Return to the previous AVSS prompt. |
[^L] or [F3] | LIST: Display a list of possible responses for this data item. |
[^D] or [F4] | DISPLAY the current data values for all data fields on this form. |
[^E] or [F5] | EDIT the current data value for this prompt (See EDIT COMMANDS). |
[^F] or [F6] | FILE this form as incomplete at this data field. |
[^H] or [F7] | MORE HELP by showing the meaning of all AVSS commands. |
[^Q] or [F8] | QUIT and go back to the first prompt. |
[^S] or [F9] | SKIP over a data field; results in an incomplete form. |
[^V] or [F10] | VALIDATE the currentlyentered data values for accuracy. |
Key | Action Performed by AVSS |
[B] | BLANK out a character. Replace it with a space. Whole sections of letters may be converted into blanks by entering several consecutive B's. |
[D] | DELETE a character. Consecutive deletions are allowed by entering several D's in a row. The delete command can be immediately followed by the insert command. |
[I] | INSERT text. Type the text to be inserted after the I. |
[R] | REPLACE character for character. Type the replacement characters after the R. |
[Q] | QUIT. Cancel all modifications, restore the line to its original form, and start over. (Must be the first character in the edit line.) |
Updated June 24, 1997 by RL Williams