Automated Vital Statistics System

Technical Advisory Group

2007 Annual Meeting

Sacramento, California

November 28, 2007



1.      Introduction By Attendees and Opening Statements.

Ron Williams welcomed meeting participants, and the group reviewed a summary of the 2006 TAG meeting.  Note: TAG summaries are available on the Web at:


2.      2007 Birth Certificate/New Version of AVSS.

Ron noted that, in the past, revisions were a major challenge because hundreds of computers had to be updated.  Now, AVSS has three servers that were programmed with changes effective January 1, 2007, and all the changes became effective throughout AVSS simultaneously. 


Ron noted that there were some minor problems with initial implementation.  Site-of-Care programs had to be revised to ensure accurate data transfer.  There were also minor problems with APGAR scores and correct reporting of pregnancy weights.  These problems were promptly resolved. 


It was noted that California successfully implemented changes to the birth certificate in 2007.  Approximately half the States revised their birth certificates by 2007. 


Alan reviewed a table, provided to meeting participants, that displayed the percentage of birth records containing “unclassifiable values” (unknown, withheld, incomplete, or missing).  The table included percentages for six data elements for the period 2004 through June 2007, and for eight data elements added in January 2007.  These percentages were compared to NCHS standards.  Alan noted the difficulty in obtaining some of these elements, but he stressed the importance of this information.  Birth data quality workshops were planned for 2008, in part to address the areas and those hospitals where California varied from the NCHS standard.


3.      AVSS Modification Requests (AMRs):  Review and Discussion.


Ron noted that there were numerous modification requests in the initial phases of implementation of AVSS and that discussion of these requests occupied much of the time in early TAG meetings.  Current maturity of the program means that there are significantly fewer modification requests.


07-137:  Alan opened the discussion on this AMR, regarding designation of Hispanic origin.  “Other” was being inappropriately accepted by AVSS programming because the relevant data fields were in free-text format.  AVSS was reprogrammed to require users to choose a Hispanic origin off a drop-down list.


07-131:  The group reviewed changes to birth facility codes involving doctors’ offices, clinics, and birth centers.


4.      AVSS/NET.

Ron reported that AVSS/NET is very stable, with up-times of excess of 99%.


5.      Confidential Morbidity Report (CMR).

Stan Bissell reported on CMR activities.


6.      Death Record Database.

Some counties have expressed a desire for import of death records from EDRS to AVSS, so they could maintain continuity in their death databases.  In response, AVSS and EDRS staff have developed a method for transferring data from EDRS to AVSS.  This method was discussed and demonstrated for the group. 


7.      AVSS Technical Assistance.


Ron acknowledged the hard work that two former AVSS TAG members have made to the program.  Natlee Sekikawa-Hapeman from Santa Barbara County and Glen Nishida from UCSB will be missed but we wish them well in their new professions.


Ron Williams discussed funding for AVSS technical assistance activities.  He reminded the group that the AVSS project relies on financial support from the State and LRDs.   


8.      Next Meeting

The next TAG meeting will be scheduled for November 13, 2007, to be held in the Sacramento East End Complex. 


9.      Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.


Acknowledgement: This summary was written by Jessica McCarroll.

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